Good Morning all, For the last 2 days I have tried to figure this out. At this point I realize I could have copy and pasted what I needed and just been done with it. But, I refuse. I really want to figure it out. Now, of course my boss is starting to look at me kinda funny. It's simple really. We have 233 Stores that use our Software. We identify them by a 6 digit number called an EFIN. When I run reports from Drake I run "All EFINS" and as of last night had 14,128 "IRS Accepted Returns" So, lets say EFIN 382630 may have 50 returns listed. The problem I have is that the 233 Stores identify themselves with "Store Numbers", "Store Number 16, Store Number 68, etc" I have been running the report, adding a column and manually entering in the Store Numbers. Is there a better way to do this? Is there a formula that will look at all 14,128 Returns and match the EFIN with the Store Number? I hope I am making sense - I stayed up very late trying to figure it out. I think I have become obsessed.Anyone awake this morning who would like to point me in the right direction I would very grateful.
I have attached the file for yall to see my latest attempt. Thanks again for any advice.
Note: I use Microsoft Excel at work but at home have Mac. The attachment is my work last night on Numbers converted to Excel. When I get to work this morning I can post the Spreadsheets created in Excel. I'm sorry I did not mention that earlier. *hand to forehead* thanks yall!!