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VLOOKUP with Drop down results with multiple selections

  1. #1
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    Red face VLOOKUP with Drop down results with multiple selections

    Hi Every one,

    I was donering if any of you whose Excel Master can help me on this thing.
    What I am trying to do is to make this search as dummy proof as possible.
    I have come up with seperate sheet with a form to fill in for the people to use. In order to do this i just noticed that some refernce number that is entered has more than one correspanding values depending on the which floor it relates to.
    For expample if you look at reference number 3355 ( highlited in turquise blue) sheet ( Master ) has more than one correspoding values depending on the floor.

    My objective is to build vlookup formula that allows one : once they enter the refernce number on Sheet1 where its highligted in Green then gives drop down list with corresponding results and after it picks the right one then populates the rest of the infroamtion on to the following fields. Can some one please help on this for I need to this to save my JOB reallly really bad. Any fancy search button could be integrated would be greatly appreciated. Please see attaachement for further details...

    Thanks so much for all your help in advance...
    Last edited by Andy Pope; 11-22-2010 at 06:36 AM. Reason: Removal of example file due to confidential data

  2. #2
    Forum Moderator davesexcel's Avatar
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    Re: HELP on VLOOKUP with Drop down results

    Here is your example, select the first combobox and the next will populate according to the selection, then combobox 2 will place the info in B6
    Attached Files Attached Files

  3. #3
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    Re: VLOOKUP with Drop down results with multiple selections

    Thanks Roy for the info and now it has been edited.


    When I open the attachment it just shows the drop down box with the values in it.
    I have updated my sample sheet and was wondering if you can take a look at it once more. My objective is built in a vlookup by searching by the property reference number.
    Once some one enters that value then gives the option which demise detail and once one selected auto populate the rest of the icorresponding nfo.. Meaning: CUSTOMER AND LE DATE.

    For example. Say I when I type the Prop Ref in sheet 1- 3355

    Then from the Master Sheet - it has 6 matching answers based on the demise detail..

    Thus once I enter 3355 I would like it give an option which demise detail to choose. In this case there will be 6 drop down option. Once selected the desired option I want the corresponding other 2 info to be populated automatically..

    Hope this makes more sense and thansk for your help again.
    Last edited by Andy Pope; 11-22-2010 at 06:37 AM. Reason: Removal of example file due to confidential data

  4. #4
    Forum Moderator davesexcel's Avatar
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    Re: VLOOKUP with Drop down results with multiple selections

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