If you have a nine digit number preceded by a larger string of numbers, this UDF might be of use.
Option Explicit

Function ReturnDigits(ByVal rng, NumberOfDigits As Integer)
    Dim n As Integer
    Dim arrDigits As Variant

    ReturnDigits = ""

    For n = 1 To Len(rng)
        If Asc(Mid(rng, n, 1)) < 48 Or Asc(Mid(rng, n, 1)) > 57 Then
            Mid(rng, n, 1) = " "
        End If

    arrDigits = Split(WorksheetFunction.Trim(rng), " ")
    For n = LBound(arrDigits) To UBound(arrDigits)
        If Len(arrDigits(n)) = NumberOfDigits Then
            ReturnDigits = arrDigits(n)
            Exit For
        End If

End Function

Enter as e.g.

By changing the second arguement you can search for the first string of digits that match that length exactly.