I have some problem in calculating percentage. I would like to calculate percentage below mention manor.
If I press 25% it would automatically calculate the same percentage. The same for 50% and 75%.
I have some problem in calculating percentage. I would like to calculate percentage below mention manor.
If I press 25% it would automatically calculate the same percentage. The same for 50% and 75%.
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Hope that helps.
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maunesh, it would be easier to "select" the percentage by means of say a listing in one cell and have the reduce price column calculate off the selection
highlight F7 -> ALT + D -> L -> Allow: List -> Source: (type in) 25%, 50%, 75% -> OK
you will now find you have an arrow in F7 - if you click that you can select which of the % values you wish to use.
at this point:
F5: =IF(COUNT($F$7,$E15)<2,"",$E15*(1-$F$7)) copied down
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Thanks a lot ... Its working appreciated.
But If I would like to do different percentage on each retail price, could please tell me how I can do it.
Thanks in advance.
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