Thanks again for the help. your last comment
I didn't know you probably wanted from today to 30 days in the future...
and the fact that you drilled down within the data and had a different result caused me to look a little harder at your original post. I never specified which column to use as the date criteria and you went with J:J which was the basic finsih date. I was looking at what age a WO was based on the created on date in K:K. I went back and tweaked the original spreadsheet using the correct column references and everything appears fine now.
For anyone who may have been looking at this post the final formulas are as follows. For WO's created from today to 30 days in the past
=SUMPRODUCT(('Planning Data'!$A$2:$A$10000="1A")*('Planning Data'!$E2:$E10000={"AB","AE","AO","AWE","AWI","AWT","BLC","CAN","DFRD","RP"})*('Planning Data'!$K$2:$K$10000<=TODAY())*('Planning Data'!$K$2:$K$10000>=TODAY()-30))
for WO's created from 31 to 90 days ago
=SUMPRODUCT(('Planning Data'!$A$2:$A$10000="1A")*('Planning Data'!$E2:$E10000={"AB","AE","AO","AWE","AWI","AWT","BLC","CAN","DFRD","FC","FCAA","FCHP","RP"})*('Planning Data'!$K$2:$K$10000>=TODAY()-31)*('Planning Data'!$K$2:$K$10000<=TODAY()-90))
and for WO's created 91 days ago or more
=SUMPRODUCT(('Planning Data'!$A$2:$A$10000="1A")*('Planning Data'!$E2:$E10000={"AB","AE","AO","AWE","AWI","AWT","BLC","CAN","DFRD","FC","FCAA","FCHP","RP"})*('Planning Data'!$K$2:$K$10000>=TODAY()-31)*('Planning Data'!$K$2:$K$10000<=TODAY()-90))