Hi Everyone,
Although I have been using excel for many years I am unable to solve the following.......
I am trying to do an analysis of my electricity charges (I run accommodation business from home in France) and there are two bands of time for charging from EDF:
10:00pm until 6:00am - Off peak (cheap) electricity
6:01am until 9:59pm - Peak (More expensive) electricity
I have completed a long spreadsheet schedule of all my electrical appliances with a column showing the time they "come on" and a column showing the time the "go off".
Depending on those times, I need a colum(s) which calculartes the elapsed hours or minutes split between (and two columns would therefore be better) peak usage and off peak usage. These columns need to show hours, as they are used to calculate Kilowatt hours (depending on rating of the appliance) and therefore price.....
Please can someone help - I am using an immense amount of time trying to figure my way round IF formulae etc....