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Point being you need to create the Pivots in Compatibility Mode ... if they were created in XL2007 you can not convert them retrospectively.
Use a Dynamic Named Range as the source for the Pivot (see link in sig. for more info) and/or use an appropriate VBA event to refresh the Pivot cache as when that data is altered.Originally Posted by mztexas
My Recommended Reading:
Sumproduct & Arrays
Pivot Intro
Email from XL - VBA & Outlook VBA
Function Dictionary & Function Translations
Dynamic Named Ranges
I am not sure how to write the code for a dynamic named range. Can you help me out? The file is attached to the first post.
Creating the Dynamic Named Range itself is simple enough, eg:
When creating the PT you would enter _PTData as source![]()
Name: _PTData RefersTo: ='Applicant Data'!$A$2:INDEX('Applicant Data'!$I:$I,MATCH(REPT("Z",255),'Applicant Data'!$A:$A))
(if you continue to use existing 2007 versions you can go to Pivot Table Options bar on Ribbon [when PT active] and click Change Data Source)
In theory you can use a Change event on the Application Data object to refresh the PT Cache(s) as and when that data is altered:
but you may need to be careful regards positioning of the Pivots![]()
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim PT As PivotTable, ws As Worksheet On Error Resume Next With Application .EnableEvents = False .ScreenUpdating = False For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets For Each PT In ws.PivotTables PT.PivotCache.Refresh Next PT Next ws .EnableEvents = True .ScreenUpdating = True End With End Sub
In reality - I would suggest creating a back up and running some tests to see if you can get what you want.
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