When you use Named Ranges you must be careful regards their relative positions.

You have three named ranges in use:

range is A2:A?

range is B1:?1

range is A1:??

Given the above alone you might spot the issue but If we work through using the example of the below we can see the errors more clearly.
(I will look only at SUMIF given this is the relevant part)


The MATCH of Month will be conducted against B1:?1 range... in the case of 1.2007 this will return 13

The range argument in the SUMIF will be applied to A2:A? range.... in the case of Customer A and the source data this generates an array of:


The issues start to arise however when you generate the sum_range given

a) the DataSet Range commences in Row 1 whereas the Customer Range commences in Row 2

b) the DataSet Range commences in Column A whereas the Month Range commences in Column B

The result is that the sum_range is in effect out of kilter from the criteria range by 1 row and 1 column.

So for Customer A / 1.2007 you are in fact returning a sum_range of:


the first value being row 1 of 1.2006 and so on and so forth.

So, to correct, the simplest solution is to adjust DataSet named range either by

a) making this the range used for all calculations (leaving as A1:??), eg:


(ie get rid of Customer / Month in this calculation altogether)


b) adjust DataSet such that it commences from $B$2 rather than $A$1 (ie first data point)