This thread is solved!!I'm not really sure why but every time I use data validation to create a drop down and then vlookup in another cell to change to matching data based on whats in the drop down form the vlookup SearchCriterion it never seems to pull up the correct reference data. As a way around it I have found that if I make sure the dropdown box or the vlookup cell are not selected and then autofilter the SearchCriterion area and sort it assending that it usualy works after that, but I'm pretty sure that I shouldn't have to do that. Is there something wrong with the way that I have the formula? Here is what I have:
Cell R14 contains the dropdown.
Cell Q21 contains this formula: =IF(ISBLANK(R14);"";VLOOKUP(R14;A130:D220;2))
Cell O21 contains this formula "=IF(ISBLANK(R14);"";VLOOKUP(R14;A130:D220;3))