What excel formula can i use to check if there is a value in data range 1, and if there is, see if there is a different value in data range 2.

For example: if there are 4 different scan points and 4 different items being scanned, is there a formula to check and see if there is item 2 at scan point 3?

I have tried several different methods from AND and OR functions and a COUNTIF function, but there are always false positives. Im missing something...

Now I know the data ranges are arbitrary on this forum but here are some of the formulas I have tried:

=AND((COUNTIF($C$48:$C$1550,$D$1766)), (OR((COUNTIF($D$48:$D$1550,$B$1766)), (COUNTIF($E$48:$E$1550,$B$1766)))))

=AND((OR(($C$48:$C$1550)="C7")), (OR(((OR(($D$48:$D$1550)=$K$5))),(OR(($E$48:$E$1550)=$K$5)))))

There are 2 columns of product numbers (types) and 1 column of scan points. Any help would be appreciated.