I am new to VBA. I am trying to create a user-form comprised of six text boxes and an OK and Cancel Command Button. I want the user-form to popup on a specific sheet "FA" when an existing button is clicked (this button clears other areas of data) in the spread sheet and the user to fill in the requested data. The spread sheet generates a form, so I need the data from the user form to go into specific cells in the spread sheet. I will post the code I have below, not much so far.
Private SubUserForm_Click()
Sheets("FA").Range("A2").Value = DocumentTitle.Text
Sheets("FA").Range("A3").Value = AccountName1.Text
Sheets("FA").Range("A4").Value = AccountName2.Text
Sheets("FA").Range("A5").Value = ReviewerName.Text
Sheets("FA").Range("A8").Value = AccountNumbers.Text
Sheets("FA").Range("A12").Value = CashBalance.Text
End Sub
Thanks for any help you can offer.