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Conditionally sum variable dataset

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the_shadow Conditionally sum variable... 02-02-2010, 07:34 PM
DonkeyOte Re: Trying to conditionally... 02-02-2010, 07:41 PM
the_shadow Re: Conditionally sum... 02-04-2010, 06:17 PM
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    Post Conditionally sum variable dataset

    I would like help with the following:

    I have a spreadsheet which has general usage and summary data at the top for ease of use. Begining at Row 15 the data is a standard table which includes columns for the following
    Cust Name | Status | Loan Amt | etc.

    I have created a macro to make it easier to add new data rows at the top of the data already in the file (this makes it easier to view with the newest data at the top). I would like to create a conditional sum of the data in "Loan Amt" if the value in "Status" ="Active". I had no problem achieving this with the conditional sum tool but the problem is that the range changes whenever a new row is added to the top of the list. Unfortunately the range in the conditional sum adjusts as the old data shifts down for the new row and the sum does not contain the new row data.

    Any suggestions on how to state the conditional sum so it will always include the new data that is added to the table?
    Last edited by the_shadow; 02-08-2010 at 02:01 PM. Reason: solved

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