here goes.
i have these cells that are summed. works fine.
now im trying to get a subtraction in with a switch. if P14 is value 0, and switch is on, subtract 30, if switch is off, subtract nothing, if value of p14 is other than 0, subtract nothing.
i tried =SUM(P14:R14)+(S14*C4)+(T14*Q14)-SUMIF(P14;0;VLOOKUP(R10;Sheet2!A24:B25;2))
where R10 is the switch
Sheet2!A24:B25 is the array
NO | 30
YES | 0
but it doesnt work. any idea on how i can fix this problem?
*EDIT* ok nevermind i figured it outit was an IF( function i needed, not a SUMIF(