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Move all rows 1 down but skip row 26 & Public Function IF problem

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  1. #1
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    Move all rows 1 down but skip row 26 & Public Function IF problem

    Hey guys, its me again :p

    I've got a pretty nice Worklist setup in Excel that enables you to organize all the work you need to do in a month. However i end up with little holes in the list whenever i finish a task because what my macroes does is whenever a job is marked as done on the list it moves that job to sheet2, which contains completed jobs. I'd like to have a macro that shifts all the rows 1 down whenever a job is completed(ill just call it from the job complete macro) but it needs to jump over(skip) row 26 because that row contains some images that my macros use. Altso i would like to, if possible avoid inserting any rows or cells or hiding them because that will totally mess up my macros :p I know i know, im not dynamic enough.

    I've included a sample of the worksheet so you can see what i want.

    By the way, I've altso got some trouble with a public function.

    Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
    If Target = 0 Then
        Select Case Target.Address
        Case "$A$15", "$A$48", "$A$49", "$A$50", "$A$51", "$A$52", "$A$53", "$A$54", "$A$55", "$A$56", "$A$57", "$A$58", "$A$59", "$A$60", "$A$61", "$A$62", "$A$63", "$A$64", "$A$65", "$A$66", "$A$67", "$A$68", "$A$69", "$A$70", "$A$71", "$A$72", "$A$73", "$A$74", "$A$75", "$A$76", "$A$77", "$A$16", "$A$17", "$A$18", "$A$19", "$A$20", "$A$21", "$A$22", "$A$23", "$A$24", "$A$25", "$A$26", "$A$27", "$A$28", "$A$29", "$A$30", "$A$31", "$A$32", "$A$33", "$A$34", "$A$35", "$A$36", "$A$37", "$A$38", "$A$39", "$A$40", "$A$41", "$A$42", "$A$43", "$A$44", "$A$45", "$A$46", "$A$47", "$L$15", "$L$16", "$L$17", "$L$18", "$L$19", "$L$20", "$L$21", "$L$22", "$L$23", "$L$24", "$L$25", "$L$26", "$L$27", "$L$28", "$L$29", "$L$30", "$L$31", "$L$32", "$L$33", "$L$34", "$L$35", "$L$36", "$L$37", "$L$38", "$L$39", "$L$40", "$L$41", "$L$42", "$L$43", "$L$44", "$L$45", "$L$46", "$L$48", "$L$47", "$L$49", "$L$50", "$L$51", "$L$52", "$L$53", "$L$54", "$L$55", "$L$56", "$L$57", "$L$58", "$L$59", "$L$60", "$L$61", "$L$62", "$L$63" _
    , "$L$64", "$L$65", "$L$66", "$L$67", "$L$68", "$L$69", "$L$70", "$L$71", "$L$72", "$L$73", "$L$74", "$L$75", "$L$76", "$L$77"
       Target.Value = Date
       Target.NumberFormat = "dd.mm.yy"
       End Select
       End If
       End Sub
    I'm trying to have this code insert Timestamp whenever a cell in side the Ranges is clicked, so far it does work but the timestamp changes when its clicked again, so i tried entering If Target = 0 to force it to only do it when the cell is empty, but it runs on all the cells now Anyone know a quick fix for this? =)

    Thanks in advance,

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  2. #2
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    Re: Move all rows 1 down but skip row 26 & Public Function IF problem

    Hi George

    For your second question try:

    Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
    If Intersect(Target, Range("A15:A77,L15:L77")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    If Target = 0 Then
       Target.NumberFormat = "dd.mm.yy"
       Target.Value = Date
    End If
    End Sub

  3. #3
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    Re: Move all rows 1 down but skip row 26 & Public Function IF problem

    Thanks! That worked well Just 1 quick note, is there any easy command to have the range ignore row 26? or do i have to define each cell individually then?


  4. #4
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    Re: Move all rows 1 down but skip row 26 & Public Function IF problem

    upon further testing i realized that this new code is interfering with me existing code,

    whenever i try to run this:

    Sub Row1Copy()
    Dim Answer As String
    Dim MyNote As String
    'Place your text here
        MyNote = "Vil du flytte raden til ferdige oppgaver?"
        'Display MessageBox
        Answer = MsgBox(MyNote, vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "???")
        If Answer = vbNo Then
            'Code for No button Press
            Exit Sub
            'Code for Yes button Press
            Sheets("Aktive Oppgaver").Activate
            Sheets("Ferdige Oppgaver").Activate
            Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown
            Sheets("Aktive Oppgaver").Activate
            End If
            Call RemovePic1
    I get the error message: run time error 13 type mismatch

    and when i click debug i'm pointed to:

    Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
    If Intersect(Target, Range("A15:A77,L15:L77")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    If Target = 0 Then
       Target.NumberFormat = "dd.mm.yy"
       Target.Value = Date
    End If
    End Sub
    The part in bold is the part that is yellowed out. I'm assuming something here is interfering with my code running properly.

  5. #5
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    Re: Move all rows 1 down but skip row 26 & Public Function IF problem

    Ok, so the part that was supposed to be bold is

    If Target = 0 Then

  6. #6
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    Re: Move all rows 1 down but skip row 26 & Public Function IF problem

    You said:
    i end up with little holes in the list whenever i finish a task because what my macroes does is whenever a job is marked as done on the list it moves that job to sheet2
    But, then

    I'd like to have a macro that shifts all the rows 1 down whenever a job is completed
    So, which sheet gets the rows moved down? Sheet2 with its list of completed jobs do that the latest job is at the top?
    Or, the list on sheet1? It seems to me that if you move a record from sheet1 to sheet2 leaving a hole in sheet1, then you would want to move the tasks below the hole UP one to fill that hole, not down one.

    However, prefix , you did not provide any sample tasks for either sheet.
    Ben Van Johnson

  7. #7
    Forum Expert mikerickson's Avatar
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    Re: Move all rows 1 down but skip row 26 & Public Function IF problem

    It sounds like you want row 26 to be stationary.
    If a row (or non-whole row cells?) were inserted above that, you would want the old row 25 to become the new 27 as everything else shifts down.

    Is that the situation?
    ...How to Cross-post politely...
    ..Wrap code by selecting the code and clicking the # or read this. Thank you.

  8. #8
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    Re: Move all rows 1 down but skip row 26 & Public Function IF problem

    Quote Originally Posted by mikerickson View Post
    It sounds like you want row 26 to be stationary.
    If a row (or non-whole row cells?) were inserted above that, you would want the old row 25 to become the new 27 as everything else shifts down.

    Is that the situation?
    Indeed, that is the situation

    Any help would be greatly appreciated
    Last edited by prefix; 01-25-2010 at 03:54 AM.

  9. #9
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    Re: Move all rows 1 down but skip row 26 & Public Function IF problem

    File Type: xls Book1.xls (165.5 KB, 2 views)

    I uploaded this the same time i made the first post..

    This contains the relevant data, or a sample of it anyway.
    It's the first sheet i need shifted down, i've already sorted sheet2 with a simple insert.shift.xldown

    But the 1st sheet isnt so simple since it has a huge gap in Row 26 and i don't know how jump over it without using an offset and that would mean offsetting each and every row.. Would be nice if someone knew an easy way

  10. #10
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    Re: Move all rows 1 down but skip row 26 & Public Function IF problem

    By the way, i get the same error whenever i select a bunch of cells by dragging around them, i tried changing Target to Trgt by dimming it as range but then it just gives me a compile error.

    edit: altso tried changing Target = 0 to Target = "" but it didnt affect it in any way.

  11. #11
    Forum Expert mikerickson's Avatar
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    Re: Move all rows 1 down but skip row 26 & Public Function IF problem

    Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
        Select Case Target.Address
        Case "$A$15", "$A$48", "$A$49", "$A$50"
              If CStr(Target.Value) = vbNullString then Target.Value = Date
       End Select
    End Sub
    Although, you may want to put the datestamp in the Double Click event rather then SelectionChange. Selection is vital to working a spreadsheet and changing cell's value when it is selected can be too volatile for my taste.
    Last edited by mikerickson; 01-26-2010 at 11:11 AM.

  12. #12
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    Re: Move all rows 1 down but skip row 26 & Public Function IF problem

    Awesome! When you put it that was using Selection does seem pretty silly :D I didn't know there was a Double Click event to use, i'll definately use that

    Thanks a bunch for your time

  13. #13
    Forum Expert mikerickson's Avatar
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    Re: Move all rows 1 down but skip row 26 & Public Function IF problem

    One thing I noticed is that your pictures should be formatted to have the property Don't move or Size with cells.

    Another thing is that this won't work with merged cells, (problem). But I don't see why Merged Cells are being used, I changed them to Center Across Selection.

    I put the posted routine in the code module for Aktive Oppgaver (after changing this line to reflefer to the actual sheet.)
    Me.Cells(stationaryRow, colNum).Name = namePrefix & colNum
    I changed the constants to reflect your needs.
        Const stationaryRow As Long = 26
        Const lowColumn As Long = 1
        Const highColumn As Long = 15
    And put =ROWS($1:$65536) in 'Aktive Oppgaver'!N26 to trigger the Calculate event upon insertion/deletion of a cell.

    (About uploading files, did you Compress/Zip the files before attempting to upload?)
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    Last edited by mikerickson; 01-27-2010 at 10:22 AM.

  14. #14
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    Re: Move all rows 1 down but skip row 26 & Public Function IF problem

    Thanks! I didn't know merging cells could cause problems like that. I'll make sure to avoid it whenever possible in the future As for the pictures property if they are set to dont move or size they will not hide when you click the number 2 in the top left corner, which is what i usually do when i print this thing.
    As for the zipping, i have been able to upload xls without zipping earlier, and the size of the file was below 1mb, so i don't understand why i get these uploading errors every once in a while.

    I was under the impression my constants were set right, but i may be wrong :p oh and i already had

    =ROWS($1:$65536) on my aktive oppgaver sheet its just that i put it at the very bottom and changed the text color to white

    Anyway, Thank you for your time and your answer

    Question: how did you set the cells to Center Across Selection?

    edit: found the answer to my own question just after posting :p
    Last edited by prefix; 01-28-2010 at 03:28 AM.

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