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Concatenate function to join some text strings

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  1. #1
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    Concatenate function to join some text strings

    I have been trying to use the concatenate function to join some text strings to a cell on a different sheet - From an input sheet -Sheet 1 named Input, to a Notification Form (Sheet 2). Although the Function Argument display tells me that it will display the result I want it actually displays just the formula. It's a very simple thing

    Address 1 10 Downing Street
    Address 2 Westminster
    Address 3 London
    Postcode SW1A 1AA

    I want displayed as: 10 Downing Street, Westminster, London, SW1A 1AA in a single merged cell.

    All I am getting on the Form is =concatenate(Input!c25," ",Input!c26," "Input!c27," "Input!c28)

    I feel sure that it is a very easy solution but I can't arrive at it!!

    Any ideas for me please Frank
    Last edited by FRJ1949(Frank); 01-11-2010 at 03:47 PM.

  2. #2
    Forum Expert NBVC's Avatar
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    re: Concatenate function to join some text strings

    The formula should probably be:

    =CONCATENATE(Input!C25," ",Input!C26," ",Input!C27," ",Input!C28)

    You have a couple of missing commas
    Where there is a will there are many ways.

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  3. #3
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    re: Concatenate function to join some text strings

    I have been trying to use the concatenate function to join some text strings to a cell on a different sheet - From an input sheet -Sheet 1 named Input, to a Notification Form (Sheet 2). Although the Function Argument display tells me that it will display the result I want it actually displays just the formula. It's a very simple thing

    Address 1 10 Downing Street
    Address 2 Westminster
    Address 3 London
    Postcode SW1A 1AA

    I want displayed as: 10 Downing Street, Westminster, London, SW1A 1AA in a single merged cell.

    All I am getting on the Form is =concatenate(Input!c25," ",Input!c26," ",Input!c27," ",Input!c28)

    I feel sure that it is a very easy solution but I can't arrive at it!!
    Thanks NBVC Unfortunately the missing commas were my transcription on my query and not in my spreadsheet, any other suggestions would be gratefully received.

    Any ideas for me please Frank

  4. #4
    Forum Expert NBVC's Avatar
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    re: Concatenate function to join some text strings

    Suggestion 1:

    Go to Office Button, Excel Options select Advanced from left pane, and then in the Display options for this worksheet section , make sure Show Formulas in cells.... is unchecked.

    Suggestion 2:

    Go to the home menu, Find & Replace... select Replace and replace = with =

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