I have a list in column A that goes [Blue,0,0,0,Green,0,0,Orange,0,0,0,0,0, etc.] The number of 0s is not in any pattern. Based on column A, I would like column B to go [Blue, Blue, Blue, Blue, Green, Green, Green, Orange, Orange, Orange, Orange, Orange, Orange,etc.].
So, I would like column B to look at column A, and if it is a 0, return the nearest color above. I was thinking of maybe using a whole bunch of imbedded "if" functions that would keep going up and up if it was 0 and then return the cell when it's not 0, but sometimes it might be 30 0s, so I'm not sure that's the most efficient way to go about it (or maybe it is and I'm not thinking about it right). Does anyone know a nice neat little function that would work?
I've attached a sample spreadsheet that illustrates what I'm trying to do. Column A is what I start with and Column C is where I'd like to be.
Thanks a lot!