Hello everyone I’m new to the forum and need some help. Let me open with the fact that I have limited skills in the programming department so thanks in advance for your support.

I have three sheets. One is data, one is a pivot table and one is the filter data which will have serial numbers I want to see in my pivot table “data, output, & filter”. My goal is to use a column of cells in “filter” sheet to hide and un-hide pivot items in the first column of “output”. The column is SERIAL_NUM.

The PT comes from a table of test records with 70 columns and 15k rows ['CAL.DBF(2009-11-04)'!$A$1:$BS$15000]. My PT is setup but I have to manually uncheck "Show All" and search for and check-off 200 serial numbers in column 1 of the PT [SERIAL_NUM]. Can I execute a macro which allows me to select from a list or range cells I specify (like A2 to A201 or A2:A62)?
I need to uncheck everything, and then check 'PivotItems Visible = True' to make items from my list visible. This would hide 14,000 plus records in the column. I only need to do this for one PT field “SERIAL_NUM” and manually check/uncheck the other field items as needed.

It looks like I need a conditional statement and a loop but I’m not sure how to do this.

Does this make sense? Thanks for any input!
Final Impact