Let's say I have two columns:
Homeless (column A) & Services (column B)
Homeless responses can be either "Y" or "N". Service can be "a", "b", or "ab"
Here is an example:
Homeless Service
y a
y b
n a
y ab
I was hoping to use SUMPRODUCT to calculate clients who are homeless and receiving "a" service. I want to be able to calculate those receiving "a" service even if they are receiving "b" service, so I attempted to use asterisks like I have used prior with the COUNTIF function. Here is what I thought would work:
And I expected it to return 2, but I found that I couldn't get the SUMPRODUCT to work with asterisks.
I am able to get the results I want be creating a new column to sort the services into just those who are homeless and then using COUNTIF, but I'd rather come up with a more streamlined approach.
Thanks in advance for any help.