Wow, I'm frustrated. I've searched and found many people looking for solutions to circumstances similar to mine, but have yet to see a definitive answer that I can get to work for my particulars. It seems an issue that should be a basic function of excel as it is likely a popular operation, but apparently it's not.
I need to be able to enter a four digit number into cell A1 representing a military time (**NO COLON**, i.e. 0630) and another number in cell B1 with the same format. I then need to perform a computation on those two times in order to determine the duration between them. I need to output the duration in hours and tenths of hours (i.e. 3:12 would be 3.2 hours). The tenths of hours would be rounded to conform to the template:
Minutes ------- Tenths
1-2 ------------------ .0
3-8 ------------------ .1
9-14 ----------------- .2
15-20 --------------- .3
21-26 --------------- .4
27-33 --------------- .5
34-39 --------------- .6
40-45 --------------- .7
46-51 --------------- .8
52-57 --------------- .9
58-60 --------------- .0
Excel has trouble with time computations that span more than one day (e.g. 2345-0130) otherwise I would have already figured this problem out.
Through long drawn out in cell formulas I've got a manual solution that is close to working for me but also runs into problems given certain specific situations that span more than one day.
I figure there's got to be a solution using macros to do what I want, but unfortunately I don't have the programming knowledge to create working macros.
Can anybody provide help? I would be extremely grateful.
If there's a roundabout way of handling this that anybody can provide I'm open to those suggestions as well.