Here's the conditions: Two columns of business names in two different tabs (tab1 and tab2) within the same sheet. In tab1 column 'A' there are two company names: "Shoes and Things" and "Chocolate Master". In tab2 column 'A', the two company names are "Shoes & Things" and "Teds Lumber". tab1 also has a colum 'B' that contains business phone numbers. Objective: I need phone numbers in tab2 as well -- using a function within tab2 column 'B', I need to match "Shoes & Things" in tab2 with "Shoes and Things" tab1, and as a result, I need to display the phone number found in tab1 column 'B'
Can you share a method for accomplishing this? [see sheet attached -- hopefully makes the objective clear]
P.S. I have read about, and implemented, "FuzzyMatchOnWord" on mrexcel but it does not work in arrays. It's only useful if you can point explicitly to two distinct cells.