Forgive my rustiness with VBA; it's been a couple years since I've done anything substantial. (I did do a search, by the way...)
My spreadsheet has fixed columns, each with a range name, such as "Due_Date". The rows contain individual project data. This project data gets added, edited, deleted, sorted and filtered like crazy.
I edit it with a userform, and if it's a new record or editing an existing one, I know the row I'm dealing with, and make use of the column names and then either Cells or Intersect to put the data where it belongs.
I have code to name new records by naming the row (i.e. turning "16:16", into "Project210". My problem is, for some of the things I wish to accomplish, I can't figure out how to refer to a record by name, if I do not already know it.
While I have other plans, what I am trying to do today is use ActiveCell, and then determining the row I'm in by use of the unique row range name, to return the user back to the same record he/she is working on after doing a sort or filter operation.