It appears that this issue is solved as you have answered all my questions NB. I want to thank you again for taking the time to help me. However, I have to spend more time understanding these formulas in order to apply them effectively.
I went through the 4 formulas you put together and am still in a fog on some. Here is where my confusion lies:
Formula #1 – “Neg. Indicator” =MATCH(TRUE,INDEX($F9:$I9<0,0),0)
Very slick indeed, and quite clever! Taking advantage of the TRUE/FALSE was a great idea.
Formula #2 – “Item#” =IF(ROWS($E$20:$E20)>SUMPRODUCT(--ISNUMBER($D$9:$D$14)),"",INDEX($E$9:$E$14,SMALL(IF(ISNUMBER($D$9:$D$14),ROW($E$9:$E$14)-ROW($E$9)+1),ROWS($E$20:$E20))))
I might need some help on this one (either that or a glass of wine to calm my brain down!). Array formulas are new to me so I’m having trouble figuring out why this will not work without the “array” enabled. I’m going to study these more this evening.
Formula #3 & #4 – “First exception date” =IF(E20="","",INDEX($F$8:$I$8,INDEX($D$9:$D$13,MATCH(E20,$E$9:$E$13,0))))
and “value” =IF(E20="","",INDEX($F$9:$I$13,MATCH(E20,$E$9:$E$13,0),INDEX($D$9:$D$13,MATCH(E20,$E$9:$E$13,0))))
I have read about the power of combining MATCH/INDEX but have yet to understand them fully. Also, why is the IF function required if False is always the answer?
Feel free to help shed some light on what some of this language is effectively doing. In the meantime I’ll be trying to do just that. I will follow up once I do.