I work for an investment banking company. I have two lists. One is a master list of the stocks that we cover. The other list contains the ticker symbols of stocks that are contained within a particular fund's portfolio. I need to search within the fund list and cross-reference with the company list and extract the shared names. So essentially, I need to extract the shared items between the two lists. For example, say the company list contains: AATI, ACAD, ACMR, ACOR, ACV, AEIS. And the fund list contains, AAI, ADCT, ADTN, AIRM, ACMR. The common item here is ACMR. I want to be able to run either a macro or some other search function/formula that I can take that shared entry, ACMR, and move it to a new list--or even better, highlight the shared entries in the fund list. (i.e. in the fund list ACMR would be highlighted...indicating that we cover that stock). Thanks...this site seems great, keep up the good work!