I am trying to do a vlookup function of 2 values but the key lookup column is an approximation.
I have attached a sample data file. Essentially, on Sheet 1 Column M (labeled as EPS), I want to do a vlookup of both Column A and B, and copy the values in Sheet 2 Column K into Column M. The approximate value comes from Column B, the date, as Sheet 1 has all the dates from 2001 and 2008 while Sheet 2 only has 4 dates per year. On sheet 2, the first 2 dates are 10/30/2001 and 2/5/2002. I want the EPS value for 10/30/2001 to stand for all values between 10/30/2001 and 2/5/2002.
The Vlookup function with a True value for the last criterion can do this for a vlookup of 1 variable, but it doesn't work for 2. Can someone please help?