New here, tried searching for solution but can't seem to find what I need. I am not familiar with Excel but can do simple formulas. Trying to improve the score sheet I created in Excel for our club. I am using formulas to total rows, columns and compute score factors but have to do some of the final computations manually because I did not know how to use Macros. I am hoping that you can help me write a formula that will do the final computations and sorting.
Our scoring goes like this. We get five timed attempts at a "stage" and our slowest time get thrown out. The remaining four is totalled and added to our other "stages". What I need is a formula that will eliminate the slowest time from a stage.
Because I did not know of a formula that would remove the slowest time, I added another column A5, where we enter the slowest time and use "=A3+A4-A5" with A3 being the time, A4 penalties (if any) and A5 to enter the slow time if applicable. A6 would be the time for that attempt and use "=sum(A6:E6)" in cell F6 to get the total for that stage...
Does that make sense?
As for the sorting, I found a thread about sorting using auto filter and someone posted a sample sorting formula so will be looking at that.
Any guidance would be appreciated. kamik333