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using Functions to Code Overtime Calculations having to do with time in excess of 40h

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    Unhappy using Functions to Code Overtime Calculations having to do with time in excess of 40h

    ok , ..... ive put some hours into this trying to get it to work for my mother and her job and it has been through a few revisions and each time i have been told what needs to be done for it i have come off sucsessfull,..... i finally hit a brick wall and i am branching out for help.

    as you take a breif look at it the data is now split on 2 pages. it was the only way i could think i was going to be able to achieve what i want it to do.
    the one on the left is the one you enter data into the one on the right will be the one to be printed.

    so what needs to happen in the contract row and wharehouse row is that at the time and on the day they hit 40hrs all additional time go's in to the overtime tally , which the overtime is calculated correctly, but on my page 2 in row "Q" for example it should take the 11 hrs and keep 6 of them to make the total 40 and the rest should be in over time ,.... my dellima is evry time i try and wrap my brain arround it ,... it frys becaus there are 2 diffrent variables to which accumulate hours in a day. So i will make a copy with brown fonts where i changed the cells from there current formating to display what should go there.

    its just confusing caus somtimes there can be somone who works contract time and wheare houst time and once it gets to a total of 40 betwine the 2 all te rest need to go into an overtime slot. its just been a headach and i hope somone can point me in the right direction.
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    Last edited by DPaul; 01-03-2009 at 01:13 PM. Reason: Solved

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