Would something like the below work ?
Assumes you don't have ^ in any of your 30 strings...
=SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(TRIM(SUBSTITUTE(A1," ","^")&" "&SUBSTITUTE(A2," ","^")&" "&SUBSTITUTE(A3," ","^")...)," ",CHAR(10)&CHAR(13)),"^"," ")
Below is obviously limited to show just 3 cells (else we'd be putting up a LONG formula), in essence for each cell you want to replace the ... with the remaining cells where for each remaining cell you have:
&" "&SUBSTITUTE(Ax," ","^")
where Ax is the cell reference of the cell you're concatenating.
You will need to ensure result cell is set to have Wrap Text on... and obviously set the height of the row accordingly.
I think that might work... I don't have 2008 I'm afraid so I can't test...