I am having an issue doing a sumif with multiple criteria. I searched the forum and tried the sum(if function and sumproduct. I think I may be having an issue with one of the criteria being text and one being numerical.
Here is what i have
Worksheet 1 has unique records for customer. example ABA in column A (text)
Worksheet 2 has multiple sales records for each customer and contains,
column A=Customer (text), Column E=Sales revenue(dollars), and Column C=Year.
I am trying to put the formula in the same row on worksheet 1 that will return total sales revenue by customer (found in worksheet 1 column A) for the year 2008.
here is the latest formula I have tried to use
=SUM(IF(('customer ranking report.rpt'!A:A=A2)*('customer ranking report.rpt'!C:C=2008),'customer ranking report.rpt'!E:E))
Thanks in advance for any help