Is there a formula that I can use to Count how may records exist in a group.
Example. I have records labled M right, M left, N right, N left,.....U right, U left. Each letter represents a server cabinet
In a input cell, I can select M right.
In a second cell, I can select U left.
I need to have the formula calculate the number of Cabinets'
(M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U) that it takes to cross the cabinets = 9
The problem I am having is that the formula has to change based on weather they select the left side or right side of the cab.
First input cell = M right
Second input cell = U right
I need to have the formula calculate the number of cabinets
(M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T) that it takes to cross the cabinets' Note: U is not counted. = 8
I would be grateful for any help.