Hi everyone,

I need your help!

I have a table that shows the Code, Time From and Time To columns. When a code is found, I would like a value to return when the data is between the Time From and Time To fields using the sumproduct. See below to explain myself more.

1st data
Code - A
Time From - 08:00
Time To - 08:10

2nd data
Code A
Time From - 08:30
Time To - 08:50

The result should be the following:
Time - Result
08:00 - 1
08:05 - 1
08:10 - 1
08:15 - 0
08:20 - 0
08:25 - 0
08:30 - 1
08:35 - 1
08:40 - 1
08:45 - 1
08:50 - 1
08:55 - 0

Is this douable? Your help on this is appreciated!
