I really need some help with a function that can do this:
I have 5 seperate sheets in 1 workbook, each with a week of the month and a spare week. I.e. Week 1, Week 2, Week 3, Week 4, Week 5.
Thus, in Week 1 I have a table that looks like this: (see attachment) (when I import it into this format, it shuffles all the columns which is why I have put it as an attachment.
Some cells are merged.
Sheets for weeks 2,3,4,5 are the same, they just have different dates.
(i.e. instead of having 1 Sep & 2 Sep, they have 10 Sep & 11 Sep, etc.)
What I want to do is count the number of times "John" does "Sales" after a
specific date but before the next date. I.e. in this example how many times
does "John" do "Sales" from the and including 2 Sep 08 but before 1 Oct 08?
I.e. the answer needs to be 3.
Firstly, how do i do this with one sheet?
Secondly, how do I do the formula to do it across 5 different sheets?
Any help would be appreciated!
Many Thanks