I have a mastersheet of names, addresses and workgroups of parents at my parental cooperative daycare. I can sort the workgroups so that I get a list of all the parents in the fix-it group or in the purchasing group, etc...
What I want to do is create a new worksheet that lists all of the workgroups and the members of each group but I want this worksheet to be link to the masterdata sheet so that when I add someone to, for example, the fix-it group in the masterdata they are automatically added to the new workgroup worksheet without my having to cut and paste.
I think I am looking for a way to create a link from the workgroup worksheet to the masterdata worksheet of a sort function. In short the link would say link to everyone in Fix (the fix-it group catagory) in the master data sheet and place them here.
The groups are not fixed sizes so the number of people in each group changes from time to time.
Is there a way to do this?
I'm using Excel 2008 for mac ver. 12.1.2
Thanks for your help