Thanks so much. So simple,yet i could not figure it out.
A follow up question, if I might:
Now that they array is working perfectly during the first loop in the code, the cell references to A$1 and C$1 need to change as the code runs thru the 14,000+ lines. The Columns A and C remain contant, but the 'row number'(shown as 1) need to change based upon the variables "linestoinsert" and "rng" respectively. I think I am having more double, triple quote and ampersand issues...
ActiveCell.FormulaArray = "=IF(COUNTIF(INDEX(tbl2,0,1),A$1)>ROW()-ROW(C$1),OFFSET(tbl2,SMALL(IF(INDEX(tbl2,0,1)=A$1,ROW(tbl2)-CELL(""Row"",tbl2)),ROW()-ROW(c$1)+1),2,1,1),"""")"
BTW, the row needs to be referenced with the $ since the array is pasted to some additional rows before the 'row number' needs to be updated.
Thanks again in advance for any help you could offer!