I've currently have the following formula:
=INDEX('Data Dump - Retail'!$A$1:$S$10000,MATCH(LARGE(IF(('Data Dump - Retail'!$A$1:$A$10000=1),IF(('Data Dump - Retail'!$C$1:$C$10000=0),'Data Dump - Retail'!$L$1:$L$10000-ROW('Data Dump - Retail'!$L$1:$L$10000)/10^5)),1),IF(('Data Dump - Retail'!$A$1:$A$10000=1),IF(('Data Dump - Retail'!$C$1:$C$10000=0),'Data Dump - Retail'!$L$1:$L$10000-ROW('Data Dump - Retail'!$L$1:$L$10000)/10^5)),0),8)
What this currently does is look in the Data Dump - Retail worksheet and displays the largest value in column L (which is a number value) as long as it meets the criteria that the same row with the highest value also has Column A = 1 and Column C = 0.
The problem that I've run in to is that instead of looking in column A for the highest numerical value, I'd like it to now like in column H for the highest alphabetical value. Column H includes cells that start with #'s and letters so I'd want the numbers displayed first followed by A-Z.
Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks