Hi Laundry,
With Data Validation, the currently selected item from the drop-down list will be the highlited item when you click the drop-down arrow. If nothing has been selected, the first item should be highlited.
As for adding spaces for future expansion.. why? You can use a dynamic length list to handle that, as follows:
Let's say you have list of names in A1:A5 (Bob, Tom, Joe, Tim, Ted).
1. Click Insert -> Name -> Define..
2. Beneath 'Names in workbook', give your Name a new, well, name, like "MemberList" (without the quotes)
3. In the 'Refers to:' box, type:
4. Click Add, then OK
In the cell you want your drop-down list, click Data -> Validation, then set 'Allow' to "List", and 'Source' to "=MemberList" (without the quotes). Click OK.
At that point, you would see the list of names from A1:A5 in your drop-down list. Next add the name Paul in A6. Click your drop-down arrow again and you'll see Paul added to the bottom of the list.