Ok. so im creating a database type thing, that has an invoice (picking slip etc etc) type sheet which autofills details, and needs users to fill in others and print it so that parts and products can be reserved for that invoice.

what i was just asked to do is see if i could get a sequential numbering system appear on all invoices, as well as possibly save each invoice after it is filled in.

i dont think i can do it in excel, but probably in access. unfortunately, not only do i have no idea how to use access, but the company im doing this for doesnt want anything in access either.

so, i guess my question is, can it be done? and if so, how?
would i be able to link all the data inputted and retrieved (using vlookup) into another spreadsheet, that saves each new entry as a row with all the data?

any help at all would be good. or even a definate "No way man.. " would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,
