I am doing break-even analysis on a set of data. There is a time series and a number associated with that time. The number starts off negative and eventually becomes positive. I need a formula that will calculate the crossover point, the time at which the data becomes positive.
For example,
1 -10000 1 -12000
2 -8000 2 -10000
3 -4000 3 -6000
4 -2000 4 -3000
5 0 5 -1000
6 1000 6 500
7 10000 7 2000
8 15000 8 6000
9 20000 9 8000
BE is 5 BE is 6
The forumla should execute as quickly as possible. The formula will be applied to an extraordinary amount of data...millions of times.
Thanks for any help I can get.