Can anyone help me?!?!? I am setting up a spreadsheet to show price reductions. Currently there are no figures entered, but they will be entered on a daily basis. The 'from' and 'to' figures will be entered manually, but I need to enter a formula to show how much it has reduced in a third column. I can do this, but a '0' is automatically entered and I would prefer for it to show an empty cell if there is nothing entered in previous two columns. Also in the final column I want to work out the percentage of the reduction which I can do, but it works only if there is a figure entered in the previous columns, otherwise I get an error. I would also like this to appear empty if there is nothing entered before then, but naturally calculate if there is something entered. Is there anyway around this??? I would be very grateful for some help with this. If I am not making myself clear then please shout, but I have done an example below:

From To Reduction %
0 #DIV/0!