Okay, here's my delimma. On one sheet, I have a whole bunch of statistics. In another cell, I have the following formula:

This would give me a DIV/0, that's why I am using the IFERROR.

On another sheet, I need to am ranking 32 different occurances of the same type of data using:

The only bad thing, is becuase I am ranking in ascending order, the 0 that was produced by the first function (the IFERROR function) gets a ranking of 1st, even though the 0 that it returned implies that there is no data in this instance, and either:

a: should not recieve a ranking
- or -
b: should rank last

If I an IF function to produce my ranks like this:

It returns a blank, which I can live with, but it starts my ranking at 2 inistaed of 1.

I'm baffled... any clues? You guys have been my savior before, hopefully ya'll can lead me right again!

Thanks in advance!