Hi again
As this formula yo helped me with worked wonders in my dashboard, I decided to try and expand it´s use though it seems I am not good enough yet.
In the same example I attached before, I added a "created" column (DataTable sheet) which indicates in which Fiscal Year this opportunity was created in our system.
In the stats sheet I added 4 more columns: FY08 (U$S and quantity) and FY09 (U$S and quantity). I should be able to split the original values into these categories.
E5 should be the sum of G5 and I5.
F5 should be the sum of H5 and J5.
I know how to sum of course, but the question is what would be the formulas for G, I, H and J? I can´t use the original formulas that now count and sum in E and F, as those have no information on the created fiscal year.
Ps: I´m attaching the modified example