Attached is a test worksheet. Im trying to assign a dollar amount per hour to specific techs (ie tech 1=$97 $/hr - tech 2=$68 $/hr) then multiply that by hours worked then average techs $/hr. Thanks in advance.
Attached is a test worksheet. Im trying to assign a dollar amount per hour to specific techs (ie tech 1=$97 $/hr - tech 2=$68 $/hr) then multiply that by hours worked then average techs $/hr. Thanks in advance.
I don't understand, i looked at your sheet if you want $ with the figure in the combobox then just add $ in front of the figures in the list. What is it you are trying to do?
Not all forums are the same - seek and you shall find
G'day emussynski,
and welcome to the forum
I also do not understand the required goal(s)
I think a data validation would be better for this problem
For the rest is the attachment
Hope that helps
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ThanksI don't void confusion, I create it
Hi ratcat,
Sorry for being vague, I have attached a more descriptive workbook along with some of the ideas you had which worked well. The problem is now I am getting errors on my data sheet. Once I clear them the sheet works, but when i change the hours it reverts back to the errors. Any help?
I almost have this worksheet complete it seems the last part is averaging V12,W12,V27,W27 into X2. It works if i have values in all 4 cells, the problem arises when some of the cells dont contain a value. X2 needs to know if it has to average by 1,2,3,or4.
Any ideas on how to write the formula?
G'day emussynski,
How this ?
Any question(s) re post here or PM
thanks, that is what I was looking for I had a lot of extra steps to get what you did in one cell. Thanks again.
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