
I am trying to return a numeric value if it is associated with a particular text string. The text strings and numeric values are in the same column (H), with the numeric value being in the row directly above the text string. Each of the values (numeric and text) can be identified by unique references (numbers) that are in adjacent columns (K and L).

Thus, for example, on the sheet named 'CSV 19', we have (apologies for columns not lining up):
2.13 936 36
Inert 936 348
1.12 936 36
Non-Haz 936 348

I am trying to find a formula that says: "If K=936 and L=348 and H = 'Inert', then return value in H where K=936 and L=36" (i.e. 2.13). I also want the formula to sum all the numeric values in column H where inert occurs.

Is this possible and if so, can anyone help?

Many thanks,