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counting letters but not working in new 2007 excel

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  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Smile counting letters but not working in new 2007 excel

    hi i had this formula in the old excel and it was working fine, i have now upgraded to the latest version and have now found that this formula is not working , do i have to turn anything on, can somebody help with this
    many thanks melanie

    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    Dim strChr As String
    Dim lCount As Long
    Dim lSum As Long
    If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub

    If Not Intersect(Target, Range("A1:A4100")) Is Nothing Then
    If Not IsNumeric(Target) Then
    For lCount = 1 To Len(Target)
    strChr = Mid(Target, lCount, 1)
    Select Case UCase(strChr)
    Case "A": lSum = lSum + 1
    Case "B": lSum = lSum + 2
    Case "C": lSum = lSum + (9 / 2)
    Case "CH": lSum = lSum + 8
    Case "D": lSum = lSum + 4
    Case "E": lSum = lSum + 5
    Case "F": lSum = lSum + 80
    Case "G": lSum = lSum + 3
    Case "H": lSum = lSum + 8
    Case "I": lSum = lSum + 10
    Case "J": lSum = lSum + 10
    Case "K": lSum = lSum + 20
    Case "L": lSum = lSum + 30
    Case "M": lSum = lSum + 40
    Case "N": lSum = lSum + 50
    Case "O": lSum = lSum + 70
    Case "P": lSum = lSum + 80
    Case "Q": lSum = lSum + 100
    Case "QU": lSum = lSum + 26
    Case "R": lSum = lSum + 200
    Case "S": lSum = lSum + 60
    Case "T": lSum = lSum + 9
    Case "SH": lSum = lSum + 300
    Case "TH": lSum = lSum + 400
    Case "U": lSum = lSum + 6
    Case "V": lSum = lSum + 6
    Case "W": lSum = lSum + 6
    Case "X": lSum = lSum + 80
    Case "Y": lSum = lSum + 10
    Case "Z": lSum = lSum + 90
    'Add the rest here
    End Select
    Next lCount
    'Puts the total in the same row one column right
    Target(1, 2) = lSum
    End If
    End If
    End Sub

  2. #2
    Registered User
    Join Date

    all ok, have fixed it

    all ok, have found problem and fixed it

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