I do some calculations based on the value in the pivot, if theres no value (as the pivot dint fetch any rows), my calculation returns #REF! and then i am not able to sum the cells due to #REF! - How do i ignore all the #REF! and then sum?
I do some calculations based on the value in the pivot, if theres no value (as the pivot dint fetch any rows), my calculation returns #REF! and then i am not able to sum the cells due to #REF! - How do i ignore all the #REF! and then sum?
Hi, and welcome to the forum.
You could use a Iserror(condition in your formulas to return 0 if it returns the error message.
It would help if you could attach a small sample of your data to have a better look at your problem.
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Hi -
I tried using ISError and it worked.. Now i have a question:
I have this pivot formula
=IF(GETPIVOTDATA("Status",$A$3,"Account #",$A$16) <> "", IF(IF(ISERROR(GETPIVOTDATA("Status",$A$3,"Part #","A","Account #",$A$16,"Status","External Dependancy")),0,GETPIVOTDATA("Status",$A$3,"Part #","A","Account #",$A$16,"Status","External Dependancy")) = GETPIVOTDATA("Status",$A$3,"Account #",$A$16), 1, 0),0)
1) Now, i have to copy the formula to 2000 rows but $A$16 should change per the row number like $A$17, $A$18 etc.. How do i do that?
2) If there are no row data for the pivot, the above formula returns #REF! and i have to sum all the values and hence the sum becomes #REF! - How do i ignore the #REF! and just count the values alone.
Plz help?
1- You cant have the numbers change if you have the values as absolute reference (ther $ sign wrapping the value). In the formula, click in $A$16 and press F4 twice. You should have A16, you can now drag the formula down.
2- Instead of the getpivot formula you can reference the cell itself
=IF(A16) <> ""; ...
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