The problem is that when you use Lookup() function, the Lookup table values must be in ascending order for it to work properly... so the inner Lookup() function works because the days of the week are listed in ascending order in Plan!M36:M42, but the outer Lookup() function doesn't work because the text version of the days of the week are not listed alphabetically, in ascending order... so we must then revert to Hlookup() which has the option to specify the lookup table is not in any particular order and therefore lookup just the exact match.....

so in Visual Plan!D31 enter formula:

=HLOOKUP(LOOKUP(PLAN!$M$30,PLAN!$M$36:$M$42,PLAN!$N$36:$N$42),'Current Schedule'!$B$4:$H$41,12,0)
Notice with this function you specify the entire table array starting from the row with the lookup values. The 3rd argument is the vertical position in number of rows from the row with the lookup values (i.e from Row 4). The 0 at the end tells the function to look for an exact match and that the table need not be in any specific order.

So you will have to adjust only the Vertical position number when you copy the formula to other cells.

Have a look at help files in Excel for this function and the related Vlookup function which works horizontally.

Hope this helps.