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i have two sheets, one to display results (Reults tab) & the other tab containing the data (Data tab)
what i am trying to do is some how create a search function and have a forumula which contains a LIKE function that looks up the data table
RANGE = Data!A2:K255
the search needs to lookup the primary column Data!B2:B255 ... if any results are found .. show them on the results tab.. and if multiple results are found, display those as well.. (in either instance, the whole row of information in respect to the results need to be dislayed and hopefully no duplicates are found .. eg, Data!A:K of a hit)
is there a formula that can achieve this? oh, the search is TEXT based and there should be no empty cells within the dataset
after some MASSIVE googling, i have stumbled accross this
B1 = Search box (txt field)
A6 (which will be a hidden column) contains =MATCH($B$1,Data!A2:A255,0). this formula provides the first instance of the result and provides the row number
A7 contains =MATCH($B$1,OFFSET(Data!$A$1,A6+1,0,8-(A6+1),1),0)+A6.
this is supposed to look for the next row number which contains a match and provide that row number
and througout my other columns, i have
and so on
2 things i cannot recitify..
1, the match has to be EXACT ... unfortunately i cannot use exact .. needs to be LIKE .. eg, i cant use the search word "boat" as the range of data has "boats"
2, it comes up with multile .. irrelevent results..
is there any resolution to the above
cheers & thanks