
I have five columns of information, a location ID, an account and a value in the next three columns. I need to be able to vlookup the information into another sheet in the workbook, but without concatenating the first two columns together.

The sheets look something like this:

Sheet 1

Location#1 11111 20 40 60
Location#1 22222 30 50 70
Location#1 33333 35 55 75
Location#2 11111 10 20 30
Location#2 22222 20 30 40
Location#2 33333 25 35 45
Location#3 11111 70 80 90
Location#3 22222 10 20 30
Location#3 33333 65 75 85

Sheet 2

Location#1 11111 vlookup vlookup vlookup
Location#1 22222 vlookup vlookup vlookup
Location#1 33333 vlookup vlookup vlookup
Location#2 11111 vlookup vlookup vlookup
Location#2 22222 vlookup vlookup vlookup
Location#2 33333 vlookup vlookup vlookup
Location#3 11111 vlookup vlookup vlookup
Location#3 22222 vlookup vlookup vlookup
Location#3 33333 vlookup vlookup vlookup

The formula needs to match the first two column info and then return the value in the third column of the second sheet.

Thank you for the help!