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Excel data retrieval for pizzeria

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  1. #1
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    Arrow Excel data retrieval for pizzeria

    Hi guys, need some help. Thanks to oldchippy for showing the error of my ways in my original post.

    I've recently taken over operational control for a local pizzeria. I'm trying to create a food cost data sheet for the store, to see how much our pizzas are costing us.

    In an excel worksheet, I have every topping on our menu - I weighed out each individual item for every size of pizza we sell, and have that number (in ounces) plugged in for every topping. I then have an input where I put the package price, and package size, and I run a formula to give me individual portion per package for each size, which then factors in to how much each individual topping costs me on the different size of pizzas. Hope you're following - fairly straight forward.

    So basically - I plug in the portion amounts per topping, plug in the package size, and package price - and I get a nice cost value of each topping per size of pizza.

    I'm trying to extend this functionality even further on a second worksheet - I now have a list of every pizza I sell in the first column, in the next few columns I have the dollar amount we sell at retail for each size of that pizza, and then I have the cost per pizza and food cost (percentage of cost per pizza vs. retail cost) in the next fields. Out of sight on that worksheet, I have every topping in the first row, one topping per cell. I've then gone and simply marked a 1 for every item that is on that particular pizza - what I want to do is have a formula that can identify any "1" that's listed for each topping, do a search from the first worksheet for every topping, retrieve the dollar value of the toppings for that particular size of pizza in the other worksheet, add them all up, and give me a nice number for cost per pizza.

    Some ideas and functions on how to do this would be MOST appreciated. I'll throw a pizza in it for incentive!

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    Last edited by sheitmar; 03-27-2008 at 07:25 PM.

  2. #2
    Forum Expert oldchippy's Avatar
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    Hello there,

    A couple of things first, please change the title of your question to something more meaning full else it may get deleted, someone may mistake it for "spam".

    Also please take time to read the rules on posting - here


    when you have done that, it would be better if you could provide a small zipped sample of your worksheet rather than a picture; we wouldn't need to reproduce it then.

    To post a zipped example, go to “My Documents” or wherever you have your file stored, right-click and “Send to > Compressed file”, then attach this zipped file to your post.

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  3. #3
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    Thank you sir, hope that's better.

  4. #4
    Forum Expert oldchippy's Avatar
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    Sorry I can't open your zipped file, can you try again and rename to something else this time?

  5. #5
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    Ok - tried it again, took out spaces in the file name. Hopefully that works!

  6. #6
    Valued Forum Contributor ratcat's Avatar
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    I just love pizza lol

    Is this what your looking for ?? Must of it is done, but I've notice not all product on the data cost sheet.

    If you wish to add just look what I did with the other products. In row 3 adjust the formula then drag the box down to copy the formula down the sheet.

    Then on the Pizzas sheet make sure the new produce are in the sum formula.
    In the food cost column.

    PM if more information is needed.
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