Quote Originally Posted by VBA Noob
What's your expected results ??

A total of Unquie items or list all 30 answer in one cell with a count ??

e.g for D9 would you have something like

VBA Noob
What I'd like to set up is a function like below whereby the first part 'COUNT(IF(B$20:B507=D$6,1,"")' will set the filter so that the only months selected from the drop down list will be counted. The second part of the function would then be used to count the different areas I need to get (cells C8-C16).

For example to count all males within the selected month would work out as;

{=COUNT(IF(B$20:B507=D$6,1,"")*AND(SUM($K$20:$K$508="Male")))} - This does'nt work but used as an example.

(Thanks for your help by the way)....