I think your right VBA Noob... I'm asking too much...
I think your right VBA Noob... I'm asking too much...
I never said that. I suggested a possible alternative.I'm asking too much
Also you never answered this questionWhat's your expected results ??
A total of Unquie items or list all 30 answer in one cell with a count ??
e.g for D9 would you have something like
="Males Tot "&COUNTIF(K:K,"male")&" / "&"Female Tot "&COUNTIF(K:K,"Female")
VBA Noob
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Well I'm linking the answers into another sheet that will state;
Number of males =
Number of females =
So I suppose a single count? I'll add another row for counting females?
Tell me Noob, how would this apply to the more complicated answers, such as the drop down list in cell L20???
Last edited by Stevie-B; 03-11-2008 at 07:29 AM.
Still didn't answer it.What's your expected results ??
A total of Unquie items or list all 30 answer in one cell with a count ??
Maybe post a sample with expected results in those cells
VBA Noob
A total of Unquie items. This could then be linked into another spreadsheet.
Try this in D10 for starters
If you change D3 to a drop down then use=SUMPRODUCT(--(TEXT(A22:A200,"MMYY")=TEXT(D5,"MMYY"))*(K22:K200="Male")*(G22:G200="Armagh / Dungannon"))
For unique items try e.g D12 would be=SUMPRODUCT(--(TEXT(A22:A200,"MMYY")=TEXT(D5,"MMYY"))*(K22:K200="Male")*(G22:G200=D3))
Change ranges as required=SUMPRODUCT((J22:J200<>"")/COUNTIF(J22:J200,J22:J200&""))
VBA Noob
Last edited by VBA Noob; 03-11-2008 at 11:14 AM.
VBA Noob........ you are fantastic. I'm going to try these now and get back to you with the results!
Thanks very much.
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